Sunday, June 25, 2006

Summer Salads

This was a perfectly relaxed weekend. The weather was gentle (besides of the thunderstorm) and we did things one does on a relaxed weekend, such as paying the Fabergé egg exhibition a visit. On the culinary side, we went for checking out a wide range of different salads.

Lukewarm Chicken Salad with Lentils

It's easy, scrumptious and you will not starve after this.

Rag Soup

The red and white radish and the cucumber are marinated in the vinaigrette. This makes them a bit floppy, and thus this salad is probably called Rag Soup. Add sufficient Tilsiter cheese and serve it with boiled potatoes and you can't fail.

Lukewarm Oven Potato Salad

This was the most time consuming salad. It took about 40 minutes to prepare. However, it was also the most nutritious choice we hade.

Summer Salad with Green Omelette

This one took only a tiny little bit longer than making an omelette, but it's much more delicious. It was the most summery choice of all. It's fast luscious and lets you plenty of time for the important things in summer.


Anonymous said...

I am used to the very high quality of your food photography. The lentils in the first picture however look like vomit.

Unknown said...

yum - we ate salads this weekend too. I must try making one you show!

Toño said...

The taste of the Lukewarm Chicken Salad with Lentils is simply delicious. I can just recommend it to you all. To you too Odi, though I have not the honour of knowing you, we welcome constructive critic, which in the second part of your comment is not the case.

Mr. Urs said...

Odi, I looked at the picture of the recipe. They took the plate from the side, which is probably more in the favour of the lentils.

Ms Mac said...

They all look delish but I confess, it's te bottom one which has captured my heart!