We are celebrating with a bottle of sparkling Gravenstein cider, two different home-made apple cakes and huge bowl with four different varieties of seasonal apples. Cheers mates!

Why should one celebrate the Day of the Apple. Let's cite a leaflet, I received in a shop yesterday:
Apple - The Healthy All-RounderNever forget, an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Even when you're late, you should not hesitate to join the movement.
Apples are low-calorie, vitamin-rich energy supplies and thirst appeasers:
- A middle sized apple (100 g) contains only 50 calories.
- Besides of fruit acid and fibres an apple contains loads of vitamins (C, E, B-complex) and more than twenty different essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.
- 85% of an apple consists of water, hence apples are great to appease your thirst
- The natural fructose provides readily utilisable energy.