You just cannot sneeze into handkerchiefs in public more than once. So they have been gradually replaced by tissues, which are sold here in handy plastic bags. Though these bags are rather ungainly and you just cannot have them laying around in a social or business environment, and they bulge your trouser pockets.
Now this January, when I was skiing with friends in Vals, Anigna had this flashy cotton bag with a flowery pattern to carry around her tissues. I asked her where they can be bought and if they are also available in more manly colours and patterns. I turned out she made it herself and yes, she could make them like I covet them.
Yesterday, they appeared in my letter box :)
As the happy recipient of Anigna's prototype-version I can confirm that it's also a pleasure now to hand out one if somebody asks you for a tissue.
Luv, Tigresa
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