Monday, August 28, 2006


This weekend, Toño and I did not only reap the fruits of life...

... but also tried to preserve them. My brother has loads of eggplants...

and who is more experienced in handling fruits of this dimension than Toño (and I ;).

After a proper rub, the eggplants were chopped, blanched and filled into meticulously prepared glasses.

The glasses went straight into my mother's good old sterilizer.

After putting the glasses up to ¾ of their height into cold water, the lid and thermometer were mounted and the heat turned on for an hour.

Today, they will get their second hourly session (only tomatoes and zucchinis are already well sterilized after one).

We were well prepared for this. We've bought a book about preserving and consulted loads of experienced women, such as my mother, my sisters, Anigna, Tina and Christine. All these experiences and our passion went into these glasses.

While the glasses were in the hot water, we went to the elderberry tree.

We spare you the tedious part were we had to get the berries of the panicles, but only the good ones (think Cinderella without pigeons). After this experience however, cooking the jam was piece of cake.

Now, we are definitely prepared for winter.


Toño said...

I thank you so much for this extraodinary weekend. Now I feel closer to nature's cycles. It all started in Lucerne with the Women Group "Assurd", singing their tradition with such a power that they transform themselves while singing in goddesses and mother earth at the time.

The harvest of what we partially had seed ourselves, has been a great experience. But the best part of the weekend was to preserve those fruits, because this act implies continuity...I felt part of the nature's process without getting tire, just being part of what is meant to be.

All this reminds me of this beatiful mexican song, which I dedicate you:

(Manuel Esperón / S. Gómez Urquiza)

Javier Solis (Mexico)

Como espuma que inerte lleva el caudaloso río
Flor de Azalea la vida en su avalancha te arrastró
pero al salvarte hallar pudiste protección y abrigo
donde curar tu corazón herido por el dolor

Tu sonrisa refleja el paso de las horas negras
tu mirada la más amarga desesperación
hoy para siempre quiero que olvides tus pasadas penas
y que tan sólo tenga horas serenas tu corazón

Quisiera ser la golondrina que al amanecer
a tu ventana llega para ver a través del cristal
y despertarte muy dulcemente si aun estás dormida
a la alborada de una nueva vida llena de amor

Quisiera ser la golondrina que al amanecer
a tu ventana llega para ver a través del cristal
y despertarte muy dulcemente si aun estás dormida
a la alborada de una nueva vida llena de amor

Michael Lehet said...

Elderberry Jam.....yum!

Rob7534 said...

That's very Martha Steward of Tonio! Nice work!

Unknown said...

wow wow wow - outstanding and yummy!!!