Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ban Organic

A couple of weeks ago, we were talked into buying organic lube. Don't use it! I burns like fire in the Gary Glitter.

I'm not a big fan of this organic thing anyway. I consider it pure dupery. A way to get more of my hard earned money out of my pocket. There are more sensible approaches, which try to find a balance of biological, technical and chemical methods.

However, The Economist brought in its latest edition a new argument: organic food destroys the environment!:
Organic food, which is grown without man-made pesticides and fertilisers, is generally assumed to be more environmentally friendly than conventional intensive farming, which is heavily reliant on chemical inputs. But it all depends what you mean by "environmentally friendly". Farming is inherently bad for the environment: since humans took it up around 11,000 years ago, the result has been deforestation on a massive scale. But following the "green revolution" of the 1960s greater use of chemical fertiliser has tripled grain yields with very little increase in the area of land under cultivation. Organic methods, which rely on crop rotation, manure and compost in place of fertiliser, are far less intensive. So producing the world's current agricultural output organically would require several times as much land as is currently cultivated. There wouldn't be much room left for the rainforest.


Reluctant Nomad said...

Organic lube? Butt, surely that's taking things too far?

Toño said...

It was a beautiful chance to cuddle and hug arround, what I love a lot too...

Ryan said...

well ill make sure not use that kind of lube!

Michael Lehet said...

Well, that's a lot of information....

I really want to make an additional comment but everything sounds so dirty when I write it!

Toño said...

Dear Michael, you are want you want but never dirty, not out of your lips, perhaps a bit vivid...;)