Monday, April 09, 2007

Nueva Helvetia Is Calling

I just has been confirmed that Toño and I will go to California* in July to participate in a Quinceañera, the most important day in the life of a Mexican woman besides of her wedding. We are very exited! Californians, put away the hippies, we are coming!

Wow, this year, we will cover 18 time zones.

* Nueva Helvetia in Spanish, meaning "New Switzerland", was a Mexican-era California settlement (read more)


Toño said...

I have tree sisters and all of them had a Quinceañera celebration. This old Latin American tradition has changed a bit, but the essence of the celebration remains, which is to present the young woman to society, not only showing that she is now a grown up person and is ready for some romantic attention, but the most important is that every man has to treat her with lots of respect. In Mexico when a family celebrates the Quinceañera the parents become the "Don" insted of "Señor" and "Doña" insted of "Señora" because now they have a dauther who can be courtship and eventually get married. In Spain this are royal titles but not in Mexico.

Michael Lehet said...

And will you be passing through Chicago at all?