Tuesday, May 10, 2005

My First Damselfly

I've thought, I saw a dragonfly on Gomad Meadow this morning at 7 am. But Wikipedia told me that it must be a damselfly. They are similar to dragonflies, but the adults can be differentiated by the fact their wings are held along the body when at rest.

Whatever, I'm pretty proud to have found a damselfly on Gomad Meadow, which is on Gomad Balcony and therefore in a city (ok - at the edge to suburbia, but I pay urban tax rates and rent). I've seem many wild animal in Zürich, such as many foxes, a badger, a marten and hedgehogs. But this is my first damselfly.

One summer, I could hardly sleep because of a couple of mating hedgehogs. Hedgehog coupling seems to last a fortnight, includes high-pitched noise and has to be performed when decent citizens are supposed to sleep. Hedgehogs don't know quickies and don't suffer from premature ejaculation. Beware of lecherous hedgehogs.

1 comment:

Ms Mac said...

Congrats on your first damselfly!

I wonder what else Gomad Meadow will bring?