Friday, September 30, 2005

I Found My Place

I reckon, I found my place in history. Last night, I catapulted Swiss labour action into the age of blogging.

The labour unions are campaigning against turning Sunday into a working day. We Swiss will have to vote about that quite soon. I'm going to say NO because the capitalists seem not to open the stock exchange on Sunday anyway. What is the fun of shopping on a Sunday, if you can't earn any money at the same time.

Whatever, the labour union Unia takes the teddy bears, which had to work all summer for the tourists in Zürich (24/7 without any pee break), as a theme for this campaign. To speed things up, they wanted to put photos on the net on the fly and needed a tool to do so. Last night I set up a blog to support this. It's now called Zürcher Teddys gegen Sonntagsarbeit.

However, when I left home this morning, I had my first doubts whether I did the right thing. Because, I saw this teddy in a Unia Smart:

Unia lets their teddies, which have to do hard campaigning work, sleep in cold cars! I'm astonished.

1 comment:

Ms Mac said...

That is practically bearbaric!!!

Thankyou, I'll be here all night!