Monday, March 28, 2011

Dealing with Cutlery or the Lack Thereof

I am not talking about the basic differences of dealing with cutlery by Americans and Europeans. Others wrote about that conclusively (read about). I am talking about my intercultural competence being constantly challenged by the lack of basic cutlery here in México. At home in cosily boring Switzerland my cutlery concerns are being restricted to occasionally having to eat with a knife, of which the handle is not hollow (and thus not well balanced). Here in México I'm hardly given the opportunity of a knife at all. If so, I'm not even expecting a sharpened one anymore. What one can expect is a spoon or a fork at best. If you address this subject with Mexicans they point out that the tortilla acts as spoon in their culture. Fair enough, but I still find it rather challenging to eat bone-rich meat with just a fragile plastic spoon and a floppy tortilla.

Location:Morelos Sur,La Huacana,Mexico


MartininBroda said...

Klingt nach einer echten Herausforderung und irgendwie Jules-Verne-artig.

1q23 said...

Lunchtimes I used to be taken to a cafe in Manchester for Indian food. Their cutlery was a disparate collection of old iron in a non too sanitary looking open box.

Pretty much all the nationalities eating there (for it wasn't just English and Indians) used bread and at least most dishes were served off the bone.

It was still often a challenge when everything was covered in a wonderful tasting but very slippery sauce.

I hope you persevered, as we used to do, and managed to get enough to eat!

The Honourable Husband said...

"Bone rich meat". Why do I find that phrase so arousing?


P.S. Thanks for the link!

Mr. Urs said...

@Martin: mit Jules Verne wurde ich ja noch nie in Verbindung gebracht

@Martin: In India an Malaysia, where I'm often on business, I have similar issues. I even learnt to eat with spoon and fork.

@THH: because it is!

MartininBroda said...

Ich meinte die spezielle Stimmung des Abenteuerhaften :)