My caring employer does not make it easy for me, because he failed again. It's not only the toilets that are not spotlessly clean, but also the serious lack of professionalism - that is, he does not celebrate success seriously.
Since September 15th, 1999 I was working mainly on the same project. By the end of 2005 two out of six systems passed a major milestones - they were accepted by the customer. I would call this a success (taking into account the great rarity of such an event). What happened? Absolutamente nada!
Finally this morning, I received an e-mail from the project manager containing the filled in signature pages of the acceptance protocols. That just takes the biscuit! I prefer party to paper. Is that so difficult to understand?
No, it's not. I'd get onto the union about this!
Seems to be that the management from your company can not distiguish important things from very important things. This success should be worst at least some glases of a good champagne and some nice motivating words, which have to be spoken and not written. We have now a reason to open a bottle of champagne at home.
Maybe, reaching a milestone is the moment when by common consent we pause to become conscious of our deeds and to rejoice in it, to recall what our customer and our employer has done for each of us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for the employer in return.
Hence, It seems appropriate that I call for the party myself. It's common knowledge that our project management sucks. It's time to seize control of the helm. But what kind of party should it be?
Tapas y Cava para todos! Of course the best Cava!
I'd be careful who I was saying "sucked" if I was you! Some of your project managers read your blog (when they should be managing the project, admittedly.)
Nevertheless, congratulations on a job well done!
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