Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Brands are absolutely out. Lovemarks are the new thing. They are supposed to be better than brands, because they are about Love and Respect. I reckon, my caring employer better sticks to the old-fashioned brand thingy. High respect is already quite an unachievable aim for us.


mr. mac said...

We'll be lucky to reach 'Product' status!!

I remain unconvinced of anyone's ability to love our caring employer either!

Ms Mac said...

I used to get lovemarks in the back row at the movies. And then my Mum would tell me off for them.

Oh no that was lovebites!


Mr. Urs said...

I dare to cite Tina: "lovebites are so eighties!"

Toño said...

Love is really the thing. Lovemarks will have lots of success. I think it is great to finally understand what is it all about.

Unknown said...

I'm just wondering how you can have high love and low love? Do you go to the top of a building and then make high love? or the basement for low love?