Monday, May 08, 2006

Armpit Curry

I'm supposed to fly to Bangalore in India in a week for some discussions. They have been expecting us for quite some time. Right now, it looks like we have to postpone* the trip again. There are neither free seats on planes nor hotel rooms available.

Maybe, this is better. Once, I had a rather strange olfactory experience after India and I'm not keen to expose Toño to the same. I had to wear a suit in this tropical climate and got some sore spots in my armpits. They were not severe and healed quickly. One day after the trip, I was lying in my bed and it happened that my nose was in a armpit, when I woke up due to a strange curry odour. I washed my armpits with soap immediately, but the olfactory sensation did not disappear. The food I had eaten in India must had worked itself into my skin where it was soar. It took months until I was curry-free.

* The Indians introduced the term preponed into the English language. It means the opposite of postponed - although, I've never experienced anything like that in India.


Unknown said...

i guess in some ways it's the same as garlic... I don't ever remember smelling like curry after eating it. Although we did have something like that last night..

Toño said...

Who knows, perhaps it would turn me on your curry scent;), since I am fascinated from the world of smells...

Ryan said...

i was thinking garlic also it does numbers on me.