Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Shocking Science

I always considered science to be something serious and well respected. However, while browsing through the Biology Letters, which are published by the honourable Royal Society, I discovered that the topics presented on afternoon talk shows are kids' stuff, if you compare them with the subjects respectful scientists are publishing:
Death feigning in the face of sexual cannibalism:
Death feigning males were more successful in gaining copulations, but did not have prolonged copulations. We propose that death feigning evolved as an adaptive male mating strategy in conjunction with nuptial gift giving under the risk of being victimized by females.
Sex and the single (-eared) female: leg function, limb autotomy and mating history trade-offs in field crickets:
for females, limb autotomy is also dependent on their mating status: virgin females autotomize front legs significantly more slowly than mated females.
And did you know that pregnancy tests are linked to global amphibian decline? Read more.


Toño said...

I'm glad that only takes place in the animals world, isn't it?

Ryan said...

hmm i think sex is on minds of all god things animals or man.