Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekend in Bed

We have been rather lazy this weekend, actually we spent a lot of it horizontal. On Sunday evening we could not even be arsed to cook and ordered* some pizza. We'd never ordered food in before. Unlike Toño, I at least used cutlery to eat mine.

* via the internet, since we had to get up to get a phone.


Gauss Jordan said...

Nicely done. :-)

I, on the other hand, have eaten out or gotten takeout seven nights in a row, so I'm cooking today, dammit! Planning a menu now...

naturgesetz said...

LOL at the label.

Mickle in NZ said...

All this, yet you don't reveal what you topping your chose? Looks super scrummy anyway.

Sending love and care, Mickle xxx and Zebbycat (currently having a noisy wash)