Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Photographer

An unauthorised exclusive!

I've finally obtained a picture of my flat mate's lover - sorry boyfriend as she referred to him the other day:

That is, I think the person on this picture is him. It was found in the memory of a camera on which a picture of him was supposed to be. In addition, Tigresa mentioned once that he has something of a pirate. Both are evidence enough.

Our love birds have been dating for over a year, but I've never seen nor met him. I've missed him once by mere 15 minutes when I was coming back from Southeast Asia. He's kind of shy, though.

Tigresa refers to him just as The Photographer. They met when Tigresa was campaigning against the local branch of Carrefour. The Photographer had to take pictures of Tigresa in front of Carrefour for the front cover of a newspaper. Surprisingly, he had to take some additional shots for The Archive. This was the beginning of thrilling romance that still lasts.

1 comment:

Toño said...

I am sure that is the Photographer, Tigresa's boyfriend. Once she showed me a pic of his and there he was wearing a cap, therefore I was not sure at first, but the mysterious and interesting smile ist the same. I can imagine that he is kind of shy too, what makes him more attractive to the beautiful Tigresa.