Saturday, April 01, 2006

I Think It's Svetlana...

Last night Anton and his girl friend from Kirgistan came to Gomad Mansion.

I'm really bad and especially at names, but I'm just not quite sure whether Anton's girl friend's name is Svetlana. Even Toño, who's social skills are far better than mine, forgot her name immediately. It's so embarrassing. However, we will get another chance tonight. Anton and Svetlana are invited by their host to the ballet at Zürich's Opera. Purely by chance, Toño and I are also invited to the ballet (not by their host but by the amazing Isabel). So we will have the chance to verify if it's really Svetlana.


Mike said...

Hope you have a good time at the ballet.

Toño said...

The ballet of Zurich had an excellent performance. The ballet began with every one at the scenery: dancers, musicians and singers, giving a perfect celabration begin. Throu the different parts of the piece one can absolutely get the confirmation that a wedding is full of tradition, therefore with a lot of requirements that must be fulfilled and it is certainly exquisite and exhaustive... Strawinsky is great!