Friday, April 29, 2005


Le Mot du Jour is minutia or as Jerry Seinfeld has said:
I am so busy doing nothing... that the idea of doing anything -- which as you know, always leads to something -- cuts into the nothing and then forces me to have to drop everything.
Surprisingly, I did achieve some small things this week, both at home and at work. But I reckon that in hindsight, they will be nothing but minutia. However, maybe I just don't honor the work of labor anymore (at the eve of Labour Day!), which leads me to another question: Is it unethical to read Max Weber's Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism at work?


Ms Mac said...

I run on minutiae. It's all I have.

Anonymous said...

I will put it in this words: the soul of a human being needs doing nothing to lead him to digest all things that go through it, which needs time to be assimilated. This does not really happen conscious. That is the reason why we pretend to do anything, but in reality you are giving your interior time to assimilate all those things that have happend, which make us happy, worry us, motivate us or depress us. Congratulations! You are taking care of your interior beauty.