Saturday, February 11, 2006

Upstream Limmat

This Sunday, the city without any problems is going to vote a new parliament, a new executive branch and old mayor and some judges. Also this week, the magazine, which we don't read anymore, published an article, which tells that the Social Democrats are absolutely out and The Green Part is the thing to vote for now:
In Städten ist ein seltsames Phänomen zu beobachten. Jene, die eben noch das Leben in Wohngemeinschaften priesen, gern Bier getrunken haben bis morgens um drei, die immer SP gewählt haben, falls die Afterhourparty nicht bis nach Urnenschliessung dauerte, dieselben wohnen jetzt allein, trinken Tee, werden älter, bürgerlicher - und wählen grün.*
I've already voted a fortnight ago. Lucky for me, I did not vote for neither. One should be ahead of the trend - not with it. There are alternatives!

* In cities a strange phenomenon is to be observed . Those, which just praised the life in shared flats, which drank beer until three in the morning, which always voted for the Social Democrats, if the after hour party lasted not until polling booths had closed, the same live now alone, drink tea, become older, more civil - and vote for the Greens.


Ms Mac said...

If you don't read that filthy rag any more, how do you know what's in it?

Mr. Urs said...

I dare to cite Goethe: "Zwar weiß ich viel, doch möcht ich alles wissen." - Faust I, Vers 601, Wagner