Sunday, February 12, 2006

Weekend Pleasures VI

... is making coffee with a stove-top espresso maker.

Sadly, this pleasure is tarnished. The other day, the one-button-does-it-all-coffee-machine went to blazes. It served well for about a decade (its shelf price was about 2000 Swiss quid! Luckily, I got a 50% discount). Until a replacement has been found, we'll have to rely on the stove-top and enjoy the procedure.


Unknown said...

I still love both of those. Feel fortunate you aren't over in norrth america where the coffee is just oh so "not all there".. Well you at least have to search for good stuff!

Unknown said...

I still love both of those. Feel fortunate you aren't over in norrth america where the coffee is just oh so "not all there".. Well you at least have to search for good stuff!