Sunday, February 12, 2006

Weekend Pleasures VII

... is making Rösti. This was originally a common breakfast of Swiss farmers. Nevertheless, my family eats it for supper with a milk coffee (50% coffee, 50% hot milk).

Actually we did our Rösti in a bit special way by adding apples and sage, as we have seen it in an old issue of Le Menu.

But the basics of a Rösti stay all the same:
  • use hard-boiling potatoes.
  • boil them at least a day in advance (only real pros can make a good Rösti from raw potatoes)
  • use clarified butter
  • let it time, cook on medium heat
  • don't mix very often while cooking or you turn it into mashed potatoes
  • use a cast-iron pan (it's embarrassing, we haven't one yet).

The actual procedure is very simple:
  • peal potatoes and grate them
  • season with salt and pepper
  • cook as described above.


Toño said...

It was simply delicious! You all should try it too.

Unknown said...

Yum - that looks great!

Rob7534 said...

Eye candy! I want some. That makes my mouth water!