Thursday, February 02, 2006

We Stand Strong!

Die Weltwoche, the filthy rag that has fallen from grace of Gomad Mansion™, is fighting hard. Today, they published a favourable portrait of Tigresa. She was shown as a bright example of the new wave in labour action (Tigresa, did you really use the term Superspannend?).

This was a smart move by Die Weltwoche. Notwithstanding, we will not move - not one inch!

By the way, on January 5, at 10:10 pm, CASH TV will bring a statement of Tigresa regarding the 1000 Swiss Francs job that are supposed to reduced unemployment. Since a month, Tigresa is earning six of them (as Die Weltwoche grassed), but already spent more than half of such a job on job-related traffic tickets (as I just grassed)... It's hard to stand strong while pushing the edge of the envelope.


Ms Mac said...

Please don't be too hasty in recycling the filthy rag, will you?

Mr. Urs said...

¡No pasarán! - as La Pasionaria said

Toño said...

Tigresa: Keep fighting. They won't get none of you.

Gomad: You have made an excellent reference. Compliments!