Monday, June 08, 2009

Rainbow Nation

My weekend was a bit like the weather, which changed from burning sunshine to heavy rain within seconds if not both were present at the same time. An emotional roller-coaster with tears of joy as well as desperation. Nevertheless, at the bottom line it was a good weekend.

Like this was a good moment, seeing rainbow banners streaming equally side-by-side with the ones of our federation and state all over the town:


MartininBroda said...

„Tränen der Verzweiflung“, da ducke ich mich lieber weg und wage erst gar nicht zu fragen, ich hoffe nur, es war nicht ganz so dramatisch. Ich wollte eigentlich nur Vollzug melden, ein mühsames Stück war das über diesen Schweizer Maler.

Unknown said...

You are so lucky to see them equally... That of which just was voted down where I am from.

Great pic!

Mickle in NZ said...

An excellent moment!. This year's NZ "dancing with the Stars" was won by a tv broadcaster, Tamati Coffey. His chosen charity was Rainbow Youth,
a group by and for gay+ youth.

Sorry your weather was so changable. We were gifted with two gloriously sunny winter days over our weekend. Bloody cold at night!!

Gauss Jordan said...

Pretty cool! I completely missed Austin Pride... am slightly annoyed.

Interesting tidbit: For the last several years, Austin Pride and the ROT Biker Rally (the largest motorcycle rally in Texas) have been on the same weekend. They moved Pride up a week for some reason this year... I loved the fact that there was crossover between the two groups. :-)