Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Never Being Boring

If Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel Мы was ever adapted for a motion picture I insist that the Pet Shop Boys will be responsible for the soundtrack. Their concerts are how I imagine a baroque mass to render homage to Taylorism. There is nobody else making pop music with such mathematical precision.

This is one of my favourite songs with a fabulous video by Bruce Weber:

We have been participating in such a mass yesterday evening. And did I mention that their stage design reminded me somehow of a la La Fura dels Baus' show I saw years ago? And Chris Lowe, the coolest person in pop, wore a mirror-ball hoodie :)


MartininBroda said...

Originelle Eingangsbemerkung, du veröffentlichst nicht zufällig irgendwo Musikkritiken? Abgesehen davon bin ich auch ein alter Fan (inzwischen muß ja bald sagen, und zwar wörtlich) von denen.

Mr. Urs said...

Martin, I glaube das war der einzige Ausrutscher in diese Richtung. Ah, und ich habe Blinking Lights And Other Revelations von Eels umschrieben mit "It's like standing in a rain of diamonds - painful yet wonderful".

MartininBroda said...

Hahah, ich huste noch, wörtlich.